We Make
Your Home
Your Kingdom

Gifts and Surprises

First Present – 50% Discount

If you want to try our cleaning, please call us. We will agree for the date and time when to come. We are ready for you to try our cleaning for 2 hours.

Our PRESENT for you is 50% discount, so you will pay only £13 for 2 hours one time cleaning instead of £26!

If you are happy with our cleaning, we will agree to clean your home in the future on the regular basis.


Second Present – Free Cleaning

For every friend you reffer to us you will get 1 hour free cleaning  if she/he make agreement with us. You are not eligible for this present if your friend get only trial cleaning. She/he must take at least one time cleaning or 3 months agreement in order you to get this gift.

What’s New


Welcome to our new website!

We just created this new website so we can be closer to our clients, closer to you dear visitors.

Working Hours

Monday - Thursday:
6:00 AM to 6:00 PM

6:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Call us to make an arrangement

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